$34 for 2 Weeks Unlimited Classes

$30 For 3 Classes


all memberships are auto-renewal each month. Can cancel anytime. Includes membership perks. Click on the membership option to learn more.

4-Class Membership


per month
cancel anytime
+ membership perks

+ Bring a friend for FREE once per month

+10% off studio retail

+discounts on select workshops + specialty classes

+FREE access to studio’s book club

8-Class Membership


per month
cancel anytime
+ membership perks

+ Bring a friend for FREE once per month

+10% off studio retail

+discounts on select workshops + specialty classes

+FREE access to studio’s book club 



per month
cancel anytime
+ membership perks

+ Bring a friend for FREE once per month

+10% off studio retail

+discounts on select workshops + specialty classes

+FREE access to studio’s book club


Not looking for a monthly memebrship then take a look at class packs.

Each pack expires 60 days from date of purchase. Excludes memernship perks.

Discover what people are raving about at Sova Yoga Studio!

Take the first step towards good health and happiness – don’t wait to transform your wellbeing!

  • This space is an absolute treasure in downtown Hopewell. I have attended a variety of levels of classes and have enjoyed every one - Kelly and her team are pros at making everyone feel welcome and comfortable. The atmosphere is relaxed and approachable. So grateful to have a business owner like Kelly who fosters an environment of learning, bettering yourself, and caring for your community.

    Amanda V.

  • I have been practicing yoga for over six years in the area. The studio is excellent, the instruction is always fresh.

    Becky M.

  • I look forward to my classes with Kelly. Not only is she a fabulous instructor, but the studio is well appointed and welcoming. It is quiet, has a very peaceful vibe, comfortable temperature, appropriate music, and blocks/blankets/mats. There are classes for every level of practice.

    Carol P.